fruit trees


For the normal development of a pear, the growing location plays an important role. In this article we will tell you where and how best to grow this fruit tree.

Diana Dashkevich trees pear gardening gardening tips Garden 21 April 2024

Sometimes pear leaves turn black for unknown reasons. In this article, we will tell you why this happens.

Diana Dashkevich trees pear gardening gardening tips Garden 19 April 2024

The plum tree needs to be fertilized. In this article, we will tell you how to properly feed a fruit tree in the spring.

Diana Dashkevich trees plums gardening gardening tips Garden 15 April 2024

Pruning cherries is the key to a rich harvest. In this article, we will tell you how to properly prune this fruit tree in the spring.

Diana Dashkevich trees cherry gardening gardening tips Garden 10 April 2024

Not all plants can be planted next to cherries. In this article, we will tell you that it is better not to plant cherry trees next to them.

Diana Dashkevich cherry gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 29 March 2024

When planting a pear, it is important to know some secrets. In this article, we will tell you what is important to know before planting a tree.

Diana Dashkevich pear gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 26 March 2024

The plum harvest depends on various factors. In this article, we will tell you how to grow sweet and juicy plums.

Diana Dashkevich fruits plums gardening tips gardening Garden 22 March 2024

Apricot is a fruit tree that can be grown in your garden. In this article, we will talk about tree pruning.

Diana Dashkevich trees gardening gardening tips advices Garden 17 March 2024

It is quite possible to grow a tangerine at home from a seed. If you act correctly, the tree will bear fruit in 5–6 years.

Diana Dashkevich plants gardening gardening tips plants tips Garden 10 March 2024

If you have tall trees in your garden, then there's always a chance that it can get struck with lightning.  Sometimes it can be quite dangerous, because it can turn into a big fire, and even after the tree might be unsafe.

Kate Yakimchuk lightning gardening tips damage danger Garden 25 January 2024

Fruit trees can grow on your territory, but have huge branches that sometimes reach your neighbor's territory. While sometimes it's not a problem, it can sometimes cause discomfort to your neighbor and lead to arguments.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips property land neighbors Garden 27 December 2023

There are lots of plants that are unique in some ways, and that's why it's so interesting to grow them. Some fruits can actually be quite surprising too - not just because of their size or taste, but other features.

Kate Yakimchuk figs gardening tips insects fruits Garden 26 December 2023

Even if your land is very small, you can still create a small fruit garden to enjoy fresh fruits. Gardening on a small territory has some specific features, and you have to plan it well, so all plants can have what they need.

Kate Yakimchuk fruit garden plants gardening territory Garden 2 December 2023

When choosing apple varieties to plant, gardeners pay attention not only to the size of a tree or the taste of its fruits, but also pests. Some apple varieties tend to be way more prone to pests, so they can require lots of work and maintenance.

Kate Yakimchuk apple tree gardening pests varieties Garden 2 December 2023

If you're tired of growing apples and peaches, then you can always try growing something more exotic in your garden. There are plenty of amazing options to choose from, especially if you live in a suitable type of climate.

Kate Yakimchuk gardening exotic trees fruits plants Garden 30 November 2023
fruit tree

Several fruit trees are known for their long lifespans and can live for several decades, even centuries, under the right conditions.  It doesn't mean they will produce fruits all these years, but they can create shade and overall improve your garden't aesthetics.

Kate Yakimchuk trees gardening tips Garden 22 July 2023