Gardening insights: Growing from seeds VS sprouts

28.01.2024 10:43
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you're new to gardening, then you have to choose whether you prefer growing new plants from seeds or sprouts.

Both approaches have their pros and cons, and some plants grow better depending on them.

Let's look closely at them.

Growing from Seeds


Growing from seeds gives you a wide variety of plants to choose from. You can find many different types of seeds for various flowers, vegetables, or herbs.


Seeds are often more budget-friendly than buying established plants. You can get a bunch of seeds for the price of a few plants.


Learning Experience

Watching a tiny seed turn into a full-grown plant can be a fascinating learning experience. It helps you understand the complete life cycle of a plant.

Growing from Sprouts

Faster Results

Growing from sprouts can be quicker. Since sprouts are already little plants, you skip the initial germination phase, and you may see results faster.

Less Patience Required

If you're eager to see your plants grow, starting from sprouts can be less patience-testing compared to waiting for seeds to germinate and grow.


Some people find it more convenient to start with sprouts, especially if they are new to gardening. It's like a head start in the growing process.

Previously, we talked about heavy tomato plants.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Growing from Seeds
  2. Variety
  3. Cost-Effective
  4. Learning Experience
  5. Growing from Sprouts
  6. Faster Results
  7. Less Patience Required
  8. Convenience