How to grow canna: a tip from experienced gardeners

22.05.2024 14:00

Canna is a beautiful flower to decorate your garden.

This tropical plant loves a lot of light and warmth.

How to grow canna correctly

Since canna is afraid of frost, plant the plant in open ground in warm weather.

Experienced gardeners recommend planting the flower during May.

Before doing this, carefully inspect all tubers for diseases.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Canna prefers loose, fertile soil. Add sand and peat to the soil.

When planting, you should not deepen the rhizome too much, but you should not leave it on the surface either.

Canna prefers to grow in a warm and well-lit place.

Choose an area protected from drafts.

How to properly water canna in open ground

Water the canna at least 3 times a week with warm water.

The thing is that too cold water leads to rotting of the plant roots.

If you are growing a flower in a pot, water it no more than 6 times a week, depending on the soil moisture.

With active growth and rapid flowering, plants need increased nutrition.

Therefore, choose flower food.

Previously, we told you what mistakes can be made when growing tomatoes.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow canna correctly
  2. How to properly water canna in open ground