Is it possible to treat the garden against diseases and pests in the spring: summer residents were told how not to spoil the harvest

20.04.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Pests are the main difficulty in growing a vegetable garden.

In this article, we will tell you exactly how you can get rid of various pests in the garden.

How to treat your garden and vegetable garden against pests

To treat your garden in the spring months, you can use classic bactericidal agents.

For example, copper and iron sulfate, Bordeaux mixture: copper sulfate and lime.

These products help fight rot, fungi, microbes and viruses.


These substances also have a repellent and suppressive effect on insect pests.

You can also plant mint, lemon balm, mustard, lavender and similar plants with strong aromas in your garden.

The bright smell of these plants repels both insects and rodents.

In addition, you can try treating plants in the garden with a solution of water with soap and ash or a decoction of herbs.

Tobacco, celandine, yarrow, tansy, hot pepper or wormwood are well suited for this.

These herbs will not harm plants, but they are effective against pests, as they will help kill or repel them.

Quite strong insecticides are infusions of nightshades - henbane and datura.

Grouse and daffodils repel rodents, and small tulips repel moles.

Previously, we told you how and with what to fertilize a plum tree in the spring.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource