How to clean a bath quickly and effectively: advice from professionals

23.05.2024 01:00

Cleaning will require less time and effort if you use proven, safe methods and products.

How and with what to clean the bathtub depending on the material

Caring for cast iron material is easy.

You can clean the surface of the bathtub using any soft cloth and detergent or disinfectant.

You can use simple soap or a vinegar solution. To prepare the detergent, mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar with a glass of water.

Then apply the product to the bath and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Use the method as it gets dirty. Dishwashing detergent is also suitable for cleaning.

Do not use harsh chemicals that contain chlorine for cleaning.

They can damage the enamel of the bathtub.

Acrylic is a modern type of material, lightweight and less susceptible to corrosion.

However, the surface of such a bathtub is much easier to scratch than a cast iron one.

To clean an acrylic bathtub, as a rule, it is enough to rinse the surface with water and wipe dry.

If the contamination is severe, do not use household chemicals that contain chlorine or alcohol.

Steel bathtubs made from steel have a longer lifespan and are lightweight.

They need to be cleaned with soft sponges and special gels without abrasive particles.

Do not use baking soda or other harsh chemicals for cleaning.

Metal, hard brushes scratch the surface, which then quickly forms a dark coating and rust.

Previously, we told you what disinfectants can be used in everyday life.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource