How to clean the toilet from rust and plaque in 2 minutes: a method that only a few people know about

22.04.2022 07:15

The toilet and bath will shine and sparkle like new, thanks to a simple and very effective tool that will cope with any contamination.

The cost of such a tool is several times cheaper than expensive imported store products, but in quality it is probably not inferior to them in any way.

A simple home remedy will make your life easier and help you cope with homework effectively.

Foto: Pixabay

Your bath and toilet will sparkle if you use the cleaning tools at hand, which are found in every home.

How to wipe off rust and streaks in the toilet and bath

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide solution are sold in pharmacies. Prepare the right solution.

We take a glass container of 0.5 liters, pour 100 grams of ammonia into a jar and add 50 grams of hydrogen peroxide to the ammonia with a trickle.

Mix the solution and apply it on a clean cloth. We treat dirt in the toilet and bathroom: tile, sink.

Leave in this state for 1-2 minutes, and then rinse with running water. If necessary, increase the processing time to 15 minutes.

You will see that there is no trace of the stains, the toilet and sink are shining and sparkling, and it took you 2 minutes to do this.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource