How to get rid of moss and lichen on apple and pear trees in 3 days: a tricky tip

22.04.2022 17:15

Garden trees covered with green moss and lichen cause unpleasant associations – an unkempt and neglected garden.

Moss on trees: what is a dangerous and how to remove it?

This question worries many summer residents who face this problem every year.

A way to quickly remove moss and lichen on fruit trees

The trees in the garden will turn green with moss and become overgrown with lichen from frequent watering when the soil is damp. Especially if the sun's rays cannot get to the trunk because of the dense crown.

More often, old trees suffer from moss and lichen, on which new bark does not grow. Moss is quickly fixed on such trees, which appears in the cracks of the bark and begins to feed on moisture.

Foto: Pixabay

A simple and effective way to kill lichens and moss is copper sulfate.

Remove moss and lichens that make it difficult for the bark to breathe, and start processing pears and apple trees.

For 10 liters, add 100 g of copper sulfate, cover the trunk with a solution, not forgetting to treat the skeletal branches. In this simple way, you will kill lichens and pests that like to hide in the cracks of the bark.

In the spring, spray 3% Bordeaux liquid, which will effectively burn the mosses.

«Finish off» the surviving moss with a solution of copper sulfate and soda. Mix 50-80 g per 10 liters of water and rinse the bark of trees.

Moss will definitely not tolerate such bathing. It will turn black, disappear and will not appear for a long time.