How to get rid of the smell of stench and mustiness in an apartment and a private house: a simple trick

24.03.2022 23:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 17:27

Quite often, the owners of apartments and houses lie in wait for such misfortunes as unpleasant odors.

Of these, mustiness and, frankly, stench often predominate. And they can be everywhere: in the kitchen, in the toilet, in the room, in the bathroom ...

Of course, it's unpleasant. In addition, you won't invite guests. However, do not despair - simple folk methods will help you quickly fix the problem.

Sodium carbonate and activated charcoal

Grind the tablets into powder. Then add sodium carbonate to them (in the same volume).

We immerse the resulting mixture in a small fabric bag and hang it where the unpleasant odor comes from.

Foto: Pixabay


You can do without scented ones - ordinary wax candles will do.

The candle will burn - the nasty smells from cigarettes, food or varnish with paint will disappear.

The longer the candle burns, the greater the likelihood of extermination of even the most corrosive and musty smell.

Essential oil

We put a cotton pad soaked in this oil in a vacuum cleaner. Now, when cleaning the apartment, the room will fill with a pleasant aroma.