How to remove scale in a kettle with sodium bicarbonate and lemon: a simple trick for mature housewives

26.03.2022 09:15

Surely many have encountered the problem of scale formation in the kettle. Lime deposits appear due to  tap water.

Even the most expensive appliances become captive to scale over time.

Because of this, the kettle becomes much less attractive, but this is not so bad.

Water boils longer, the device makes noises, and scale is a real danger to human health - if it enters the body with water, plaque can lead to urolithic illness.

Therefore, do not put off until later the process of getting rid of this opportunity. As soon as you notice scale - remove it.

Foto: Pixabay

Next, we will tell you how to do it quickly, easily and efficiently. You will need baking soda and lemon juice.

Pour water into the kettle - up to the maximum mark. Add baking soda and lemon juice inside.

Since the process is accompanied by an active chemical reaction, it is better to carry out the procedure over the sink.

The next step is to turn on the kettle. Then boil and wash it thoroughly.

The proportions for the mixture are as follows: half a lemon, two tablespoons of baking soda and, of course, water.

At the exit, you get a clean kettle - as if freshly from the store. At the same time, our tool will remove even the annual scale.

You will spend no more than ten minutes on everything. In addition, it is at zero cost if there is soda and lemon at home.