One watering - and cucumbers grow 5 times faster: if you don’t know, you won’t guess

17.04.2022 17:15

In fact, everything is so - once you need to water the cucumber beds with this infusion and you can enjoy the accelerated growth of fruits all season.

The experience of gardeners suggests that thanks to such top dressing, cucumbers grow at least 2 times faster, and if you're lucky, fruiting will be 5 times more abundant.

In addition, this useful fertilizer is the usual cut grass from your site, which needs to be fermented.

The grass should turn into grass manure, saturated with useful trace elements.

This is easy to do: you need to pack the grass into black plastic bags and leave it for 1-2 days in the sun.

Foto: Pixabay

Then you need to fill the buckets with grass by a third and fill it with water.

In 2-3 days, the fermented grass will give all the nutrients to the water and the infusion for watering will be ready.

It remains only to water the cucumber beds once and enjoy how quickly they grow.

Like all top dressings, cucumbers are fertilized with fermented grass after abundant watering of the soil.

It is necessary to pour the infusion not under the root, it is watered around the plant so as not to cause a stormy reaction in bacteria and not to provoke root rot.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource