Why do experienced housewives put a "bag" of salt in the washing machine with each wash

30.03.2022 07:15

Some housewives boast that they have not bought washing powder for a long time, but make it on their own in a few minutes.

In addition, there are several tricks that allow you to improve the quality of washing with simple, affordable and, most importantly, inexpensive household products.

Among the latest life hacks is washing with the addition of 1 tablespoon of salt.

It is best to take coarse salt, since fine salt will quickly dissolve, and it is necessary not only for washing, but also during rinsing.

For the procedure, it is enough to tie a knot with salt from a simple handkerchief.

washing machine
Foto: Pixabay

Then load the laundry into the drum and place the bundle on top.

What gives salt

Thanks to salt, you can wash things without fear that they will shed, or a yellow coating will appear on white linen.

In addition, be sure that after washing things will not decrease in size.

If you wash tulle with the addition of salt, the effect will be noticeable immediately after the first wash, and the material will become snow-white.

The fact is that salt softens water and therefore is used not only for washing, but also in dishwashers.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource