Why it is useful to add salt into the water for cleaning the floor: good housewives know but keep the secret

19.03.2022 14:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 16:19

Some housewives pour salt into the water before cleaning the floor. It looks like a mysterious ritual.

However this lifehack is not a mystery. Those housewives who use this method are aware of its practical advantage.

Benefits of salt water

This lifehack is useful if you have pets at home (except fish), the members of your family are frequently ill and flowers don't live in your flat for a long time.

How to make a mixture

Take warm water for cleaning. Use 2-3 bigs spoons of salt and a bucket of water.

You can also use sea salt with odorous spices while having bath, so the air in the flat will be fresher.

water for cleaning the floor
Foto: Pixabay

While cleaning, pay more attention to corners, socles and other places where you notice dust.

Useful effect

The mixture with salt is especially useful in the flats where kids and people suffering from allergies live.

Moreover, salt removes unpleasant smell of cats and dogs.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Benefits of salt water
  2. How to make a mixture
  3. Useful effect