Add Victorian style to your modern house: Interior tips

27.09.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Not everyone loves super modern interior designs - and that's why you can always a bit of Victorian style!

You don't have to remodel your house completely, because adding some details can help you achieve the effect you need.

Here are a few ideas on how you can do it.


Look for Victorian-style furniture pieces like ornate chairs or vintage-looking sofas. These can be mixed with modern furniture for contrast.


Victorian style often includes intricate patterns like florals or damasks. You can use these in wallpapers, curtains, or throw pillows.

victorian interior

Crown Molding

Add decorative crown molding to your ceilings or along the walls. This classic touch can give a Victorian feel.


Incorporate Victorian antiques like chandeliers, mirrors, or vintage frames. These add a touch of history to your space.


Victorian-style rugs with intricate patterns or Persian designs can anchor a room and add elegance.


Use Victorian-style accessories like porcelain figurines, vintage vases, or lace doilies on modern tables.

Mix and Match

Don't be afraid to mix modern and Victorian elements. A modern sofa with Victorian wallpaper can create a unique blend.


Victorian-style lighting fixtures, like crystal chandeliers or brass wall sconces, can create a dramatic effect.


Keep a balance between old and new. You don't want to overwhelm your space with Victorian elements, so use them selectively.


You can achieve Victorian style with the right colors, lighting, and accessories, so use your imagination!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Furniture
  2. Patterns
  3. Crown Molding
  4. Antiques
  5. Rugs
  6. Accessories
  7. Mix and Match
  8. Lighting
  9. Balance
  10. Conclusion