Details That Affect Your Productivity When Working Remotely: Interior Mistakes

19.12.2023 05:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you genuinely love working remotely, then you can work basically anywhere - as long as it's comfortable for you.

Even the comfort of your own house can be destroyed if your interior has some flaws.

Here are some interior mistakes that can make you less productive.

Poor Lighting

Insufficient or harsh lighting can strain your eyes and reduce focus. 

Ensure your workspace has ample, natural light or invest in soft, adjustable lighting to create a comfortable atmosphere.


Uncomfortable Furniture

Sitting for extended periods on uncomfortable chairs can lead to discomfort and distraction. 

Invest in an ergonomic chair and consider a sit-stand desk for better posture.

Cluttered Space

A cluttered workspace can clutter your mind. 

Keep your work area organized and clutter-free to minimize distractions and increase focus.

Noisy Environment

Excessive noise can disrupt concentration. 

Identify and address sources of noise, use noise-canceling headphones, or play soft background music to create a more focused atmosphere.

Uninspiring Colors

Dull or overly bright colors can affect your mood and energy levels. 

Choose a color scheme that promotes a positive and productive ambiance.

Unsuitable Temperature

Extreme temperatures can be distracting. 

Adjust the thermostat to maintain a comfortable working temperature, considering factors like season and personal preference.

No Break Area

Failing to designate a separate break area can make it challenging to step away from work mentally. 

Create a dedicated space for breaks to recharge and avoid burnout.

Inadequate Tech Setup

Insufficient or outdated technology can slow you down. 

Ensure your equipment is up-to-date, and invest in tools that streamline your work processes.

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Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Poor Lighting
  2. Uncomfortable Furniture
  3. Cluttered Space
  4. Noisy Environment
  5. Uninspiring Colors
  6. Unsuitable Temperature
  7. No Break Area
  8. Inadequate Tech Setup