Expert Tips: How to Cozier Your Kitchen

27.06.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

The kitchen is a place in the house, the comfort of which is often forgotten. In the article you will learn how easy it is to add aesthetics, comfort and warmth to the kitchen.

How to decorate the kitchen for comfort

To make a small kitchen cozy, add light, choose cabinets with glass fronts, and curtains or curtains should be light. Give preference to such materials: chintz, guipure, tulle, silk.

Lambrequin will decorate the window opening and give comfort to the apartment.

In a cozy kitchen, there must be several lighting scenarios: first, illuminate the work area and countertops. Secondly, consider lighting above the dining table or bar counter. By the way, both there and there very bright lamps are inappropriate, a slightly muffled, warm tone of lighting is preferable.

Get indoor flowers, put a cozy sofa, complement the interior with decorative elements, pick up beautiful textiles, fill the rooms with a pleasant aroma, customize the space.

Photo: Pixabay

Keep the things you need close at hand

Storage in the kitchen is important to organize correctly in terms of ergonomics: it is better to store cutlery and dishes next to the dining area; knives, cutting boards and other utensils - next to work surfaces.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to decorate the kitchen for comfort
  2. Keep the things you need close at hand