Find a perfect layout for a narrow and long bedroom: You can make it cozy

30.08.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

It's often easy to create a perfect layout for a square or slightly rectangular bedroom, but what if the room is long and narrow?

Designing a layout for a narrow and long bedroom requires careful consideration to make the most of the available space and create a comfortable and functional environment. 

Here are some tips to help you choose a suitable layout.

Measure and Plan

Start by measuring the dimensions of the room, including the length, width, and height. 

Create a scaled floor plan on paper or using design software to visualize different layout options.


Prioritize Functionality

Determine the primary functions of the room. 

Is it mainly a sleeping space, or do you also need a workspace, storage, or seating areas? 

Prioritize these functions to guide your layout decisions.

Bed Placement

Place the bed along one of the longer walls to maximize floor space. 

Consider a wall-mounted headboard or a platform bed to save space and create a streamlined look.

Create Zones

If the room is large enough, consider dividing it into functional zones. 

For example, you can place the bed in one zone, create a workspace in another, and designate a seating or reading area in a third zone.

Furniture Scale

Choose furniture that is appropriately scaled for the room. 

Avoid oversized furniture that can make the space feel cramped. 

Opt for sleek and space-saving furniture pieces.

Use Vertical Space

Take advantage of vertical space for storage and decor. 

Wall-mounted shelves, cabinets, and floating desks can help free up floor space.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Measure and Plan
  2. Prioritize Functionality
  3. Bed Placement
  4. Create Zones
  5. Furniture Scale
  6. Use Vertical Space