How to choose the right countertop: this is important for the kitchen interior

22.05.2024 03:00

The kitchen countertop is an important interior detail. It should be both beautiful and practical.

How to choose the right countertop for the kitchen

When choosing a tabletop, consider the richness of the furniture's shades.

For example, cream and brown shades work well with facades in warm colors - yellow, orange, red.

Gray and marble work surfaces go perfectly with “cold” kitchen sets - blue, green, lilac, pink.

Match the color of the countertop to other furniture, walls, ceilings and floors.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Designers recommend choosing countertops that are a couple of shades lighter than the kitchen furniture.

This will make the interior look brighter and more colorful.

Different colors work well in the kitchen. Minimalism – black, white, beige, gray.

Pastel shades of yellow, green, blue, and red are also suitable.

Your kitchen will look sunny if you choose warm color palettes such as yellow, orange, pink.

It should be noted that furniture experts recommend focusing on the height of the tabletop based on the height of the person who will use it in the future.

The height should be comfortable: not too high and not too small.

What material is better for a kitchen countertop

Choose more durable and reliable materials for your countertops. These are acrylic, solid, agglomerate and natural stone.

They cost an order of magnitude more, but the average service life of such products is 10-15 years.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to choose the right countertop for the kitchen
  2. What material is better for a kitchen countertop