Interior Design: What is Maximalism

14.04.2023 09:55
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Maximalism is an artistically designed overabundance of interior items and several decor elements in different styles, tastefully and imaginatively distributed in this interior.

The most popular implementation of maximalism is the classic interior style with oriental notes of Moroccan style, boho and modern.

Maximalism in the interior is not an anarchy of colors and not the realm of dust collectors.

This is a special form of ordered chaos, where every thing is exactly in its place.

Accents in such an interior do not interrupt each other, and all objects are united by their emotional connection with the owner.

Photo: Pixabay

History of maximalism

Maximalism is a hallmark of the Victorian era.

The British and French were known for their bright, patterned fabrics, colorful wallpapers, numerous accessories, pillows, paintings and other works of art.

Maximalism today

Today, the trend is interesting combinations of colors and textures in the interior, somewhat similar to the era of the 1970s.

Today, in a maximalist interior, you will often find vintage items and pieces of furniture, records, and wardrobe items.

Another special feature of the style is the combination of expensive and cheap.

If you want to add a touch of maximalism to your home, use a large number of pillows, lamps, wall art, paintings, photographs, posters.

As well as bright wallpapers, patterns in the interior, vintage accessories and furniture.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. History of maximalism
  2. Maximalism today