Modern house for older people: Interior design tips

21.11.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Older people don't always get these new interior trends, but they also deserve to live in convenient and beautiful living spaces.

To make the modern interior pleasant and convenient for older people, you should adapt it, so it's both classy and contemporary.

Here are a few tips on how to achieve that.

Color Palette

Choose a calming color palette with neutrals like beige, light gray, or soft pastels. These colors create a serene and timeless atmosphere.

Contrasting Textures

Introduce contrasting textures for visual interest. For instance, pair smooth leather upholstery with textured throw pillows or a plush rug.


Universal Design Elements

Incorporate universal design elements, such as furniture with rounded edges to prevent injuries and ensure a smooth flow in the space.

Artful Lighting

Use artful lighting fixtures to add a touch of elegance. Pendant lights or modern chandeliers can serve as both functional and decorative elements.

Modern Storage Solutions

Invest in modern storage solutions that are easy to access. Built-in cabinets or stylish storage bins can keep the space organized.

Smart Technology Integration

Integrate smart technology thoughtfully. For instance, choose stylish smart thermostats or lighting systems that are easy to use.

Flooring Choices

Select flooring options that are not only stylish but also practical. 

Slip-resistant tiles or low-pile carpets provide safety without compromising on aesthetics.

Nature-Inspired Elements

Bring in nature-inspired elements. Indoor plants or nature-themed artwork can add a refreshing touch to the design.

Room Layout Considerations

Plan the room layout with accessibility in mind. Ensure clear pathways and consider furniture placement that allows easy navigation.

Accent Colors

Introduce accent colors strategically. A pop of a vibrant color on an accent wall or through accessories can add vibrancy to the design.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Color Palette
  2. Contrasting Textures
  3. Universal Design Elements
  4. Artful Lighting
  5. Modern Storage Solutions
  6. Smart Technology Integration
  7. Flooring Choices
  8. Nature-Inspired Elements
  9. Room Layout Considerations
  10. Accent Colors