Perfume bottles as home decor: Interior tips

28.09.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Lots of perfume brands release their products in extremely beautiful bottles - so why not use them as home decor?

These bottles can make your interior look classy, interesting, and unique - you just need to find the most suitable bottle designs to display.

Here are a few tips on how to use perfume as decorations.


Collect several perfume bottles with different shapes, sizes, and colors. Arrange them together on a tray, shelf, or a dedicated display area. 

Grouping them makes a lovely decorative arrangement.

perfume bottle

Color Coordination

Consider the colors of your room's décor. Choose perfume bottles that match or complement the colors in your space. This helps them blend in nicely.

Vases or Holders

Some perfume bottles have elegant shapes that make them look like tiny vases. 

You can place small flowers or dried flowers in these bottles to create a charming floral arrangement.

Light and Windowsills

Placing perfume bottles on a windowsill can catch the sunlight and make them sparkle. 

The light shining through colored bottles can create beautiful effects.

Bathroom Display

Arrange your perfume bottles neatly on a bathroom counter or shelf. They not only look pretty but also add a touch of luxury to your bathroom.

Trays and Mirrors

Place perfume bottles on decorative trays or mirrors to enhance their visual appeal. The reflective surface can make them stand out.

Empty Bottles

If you've used up your perfume but love the bottle, you can clean it thoroughly and display it as is. 

The elegance of the empty bottle can be a decoration on its own.

Label Outward

If your perfume bottles have attractive labels or designs, make sure those face outward so everyone can see and appreciate them.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Grouping
  2. Color Coordination
  3. Vases or Holders
  4. Light and Windowsills
  5. Bathroom Display
  6. Trays and Mirrors
  7. Empty Bottles
  8. Label Outward