Things that make your kitchen uncomfortable: Interior tips

18.10.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Kitchens can have different styles and designs, but the most important thing is its convenience and comfort.

Without comfort, you won't be motivated to cook or even spend time in your kitchen, so you better design it right.

Let's find out more about common mistakes people make when designing their kitchens.

Lack of Counter Space

Adequate counter space is crucial for food preparation. 

Without enough room to chop, mix, and assemble meals, your kitchen can become cluttered and uncomfortable to work in.


Bad Lighting

Proper lighting is essential for both safety and comfort. 

Inadequate or poorly placed lighting can make it difficult to see what you're doing, which can be dangerous and frustrating while cooking.

Inefficient Appliances

Old or inefficient appliances can slow down meal preparation and make your kitchen less enjoyable to use. 

Energy-efficient and modern appliances can save you time and make cooking more comfortable.

Overlooking the Triangle Rule

The work triangle is a design principle that ensures a clear path between the stove, sink, and refrigerator. 

Ignoring this rule can make your kitchen less efficient and inconvenient for meal preparation.

Ignoring Ventilation

A lack of proper ventilation can lead to heat and odors accumulating in your kitchen. 

Without proper ventilation, it can become an uncomfortable place to cook, especially when making dishes that generate a lot of heat or strong smells.

Inadequate Electrical Outlets

In today's kitchens, we use a variety of small appliances, so having sufficient electrical outlets is crucial. 

A shortage of outlets can result in cords running across countertops or floors, making your kitchen less safe and organized.


Avoiding these common design mistakes and paying attention to details when planning your kitchen can help you create a space that is not only functional but also comfortable and enjoyable to use.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Lack of Counter Space
  2. Bad Lighting
  3. Inefficient Appliances
  4. Overlooking the Triangle Rule
  5. Ignoring Ventilation
  6. Inadequate Electrical Outlets
  7. Conclusion