Using bottles as candle holders: It has both good and bad sides

10.09.2023 07:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Nowadays, you can find lots of aesthetically pleasing pictures of candle holders made of glass bottles - and it often looks amazing!

In fact, this method has both good and bad sides - so you should know about them before trying it out.

Let's start with why it's a great idea.

Recycling matters

It's an excellent way to recycle old bottles and give them a new purpose, which is good for the environment.

It can look actually unique

Bottle candle holders can look really unique and cool. They can add a special touch to your home decor.


DIY decorations are the best

Making them yourself can be a fun craft project. You can paint the bottles or decorate them to match your style.

It's cheap to make them

It's usually an inexpensive way to create decorative candle holders, especially if you're reusing bottles you already have.

Now, let's talk about not-so-good stuff.

It's not always safe

Some bottles might not be designed to handle the heat from a burning candle. 

They could crack or shatter, which is dangerous. So, you need to be careful and choose bottles that can handle the heat.

You can accidentally flip them over

Bottles might not be as stable as purpose-built candle holders, especially if they're tall and narrow. They could tip over easily.

They always look pretty much the same

Bottle candle holders might not fit every decorating style. They have a distinct look, so they might not work in every room or for every occasion.

You probably won't be able to clean them well

Bottles can be tricky to clean thoroughly, especially if you've melted wax inside them. Wax can be hard to remove completely.

So, while bottle candle holders can be a creative and eco-friendly choice, it's important to consider safety, stability, and whether they match your decor before using them.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Recycling matters
  2. It can look actually unique
  3. DIY decorations are the best
  4. It's cheap to make them
  5. It's not always safe
  6. You can accidentally flip them over
  7. They always look pretty much the same
  8. You probably won't be able to clean them well