Cleaning Hack: How to Remove Traces of Cosmetics From a White Towel

04.05.2023 06:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

White towels look nice, but they often leave stains that are not easy to wash off. In this article, you will learn how to quickly and easily remove traces of cosmetics on a white towel.

How to prevent stains from your towel

On a white towel, there are often traces of mascara, foundation, lipstick, hair dye.

Stains are easier to prevent than to remove. Use products that effectively remove makeup from your face.

For example, special wet wipes or micellar water.

For the face, choose a towel of a different color so that stains do not remain on them. After all, makeup stains may not be washed off even after washing and require a different approach.


How to Remove Makeup Stains from a White Towel

If the stain is fresh, wash it by hand with soap or gel as soon as possible.

Therefore, the stain will not have time to soak deep into the fabric and will be washed off immediately.

If there is a lot of product on the towel, use a card or other flat object to scrape off the remaining makeup.

If the stain is old, try soaking the towel in warm water with some detergent. Leave the towel in the water for several hours.

After that, use a bleach that is suitable for the type of fabric of your towel.

You may need to repeat this process more than once.

Do not dry the cleaned towel in the dryer; hang it outdoors.

Following these recommendations, you will be able not only to get rid of stains, but also to prevent them.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to prevent stains from your towel
  2. How to Remove Makeup Stains from a White Towel