Cleaning Tip: How to Properly Clean a Glass Stove

06.05.2023 10:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Before you start cleaning, it is important that the stove has cooled down. In the article, we will tell you how and with what to clean the glass plate from any kind of pollution.

Abrasive products and hard washcloths and napkins are not suitable for cleaning.

Such products may damage the glass surface.

Therefore, choose mild detergents and cleaners.

What you need to clean the stove

  • All-purpose, gentle cleanser;
  • Warm water;
  • Microfiber cloth;
  • Soft sponge;
  • Means for polishing glass surfaces;
  • Glass cleaner.

Choose a cleanser based on the degree of soiling. Window cleaners are good for removing dust.


How to properly clean a glass plate

  1. Remove food, debris and dust from the surface.
  2. Wipe the hob with a microfiber cloth soaked in warm water and detergent.
  3. Use the soaking method to remove dried-on dirt.
  4. Wipe the soapy solution off the hob surface with a damp cloth.
  5. Apply window cleaner or polish to the surface and wipe the surface with paper towels or a dry microfiber cloth.
  6. Make sure that there are no streaks or stains on the plate.

If the soiling is strong, you can leave the detergent for 15-20 minutes.

Following these recommendations, you will not damage the glass surface of the stove and effectively get rid of any kind of dirt.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What you need to clean the stove
  2. How to properly clean a glass plate