Clothing care: Fabric conditioner – do you have to use it?

25.12.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Lots of people use fabric conditioners every time they wash their clothes - but is it actually a necessity?

While using it can be quite beneficial, there are also some situations when you better avoid it.

Let's find out about both pros and cons of fabric conditioners. 

Softness and Comfort

Fabric conditioners can make your clothes feel softer and smoother against your skin. 

This can be especially helpful for fabrics that tend to be rough or stiff, like towels or some types of cotton.


Reducing Static and Wrinkles

Fabric conditioner can help reduce static cling in your clothes, making them less likely to stick to you or other fabrics. 

It can also help minimize wrinkles, making ironing or folding easier.


Fabric conditioners often have pleasant scents that can leave your clothes smelling fresh and clean. 

This can be particularly enjoyable for items like bed sheets or towels.

Allergies or Sensitivities

Some people may have allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients in fabric conditioners. 

If you or someone in your household has sensitive skin or allergies, it may be best to avoid using fabric conditioner or choose a hypoallergenic option.

Certain Fabrics

Not all fabrics benefit from fabric conditioner. 

For example, sportswear or synthetic fabrics like polyester may not need it and could even be negatively affected by the residue it leaves behind.


If you are washing items that need to be absorbent, like towels or cloth diapers, fabric conditioners can reduce their ability to soak up water effectively. 

In these cases, it's better to skip using fabric conditioner.

Previously, we talked about removing rust from clothes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Softness and Comfort
  2. Reducing Static and Wrinkles
  3. Fragrance
  4. Allergies or Sensitivities
  5. Certain Fabrics
  6. Absorbency