Helpful Tips: How to Remove Dark Spots from Pots

09.08.2023 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

In unfiltered tap water, in addition to calcium salts, silicon salts are also present. It is they who, settling at the bottom of the pan, provoke the appearance of small dark dots (from brown to black). If they are not removed in time, over time the dots will become noticeable red spots, which are mistaken for metal rusting.

How to remove black spots on a pan

By adding salt to cold water, salt particles have time to gain a foothold on the bottom and walls of the pan. In addition, chlorine, which is part of the salt, is a corrosion activator, so it is advisable to salt the finished product, thereby reducing the contact time of steel with a source of chlorine.

Pour hot water into the bottom of the pan and pour half a glass of soda. Leave the pan for 25-50 minutes. We move the pan to the stove and boil the soda solution for 10-15 minutes. We cool the pan and wash the burnt food in the usual way under running water.

Express solution of soda and vinegar

Pour boiling water over the bowl for 10 minutes. Drain the boiling water and apply baking soda to the stains, followed by vinegar. Wait until the composition stops foaming, and rub the plates with a sponge: the plaque will easily come off.

How to remove dark spots from an aluminum pan
In this case, a solution of table vinegar can help you (add 4 tablespoons of vinegar to 1 liter of water). Soak a cloth in this liquid and wipe the darkened areas with it, and then rinse the pan under running water.


How to remove a dark coating on an enamel pan

Salt and soda will help clean the pan inside and out from slight soot. It is necessary to pour them on a soft sponge and rub the walls. Persol eliminates yellow plaque, you just need to add it to a pot of hot water and boil. Citric acid whitens enamel in the same way as persol.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to remove black spots on a pan
  2. Express solution of soda and vinegar
  3. How to remove a dark coating on an enamel pan