Housekeeping tips: Toothpaste cleaning ideas

04.02.2024 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Toothpaste is great not only for cleaning your teeth – it can also be used to clean and polish lots of other things.

This fine abrasive texture is perfect for situations when you need to get rid of small scratches or clean something.

Here are a few ideas on how you can use it.

Polishing Silverware

Apply a small amount of toothpaste to silver items, rub gently, and then wipe off. 

It helps remove tarnish and restore shine.


Cleaning Sneakers

Dab toothpaste on dirty areas of sneakers, scrub with a brush, and wipe off. 

It cleans and refreshes the appearance.

Removing Scratches from CDs/DVDs

Apply toothpaste to the scratched area, gently rub with a soft cloth, and clean. 

It can reduce the visibility of minor scratches.

Deodorizing Hands

After handling strong-smelling substances, wash hands with toothpaste to neutralize odors effectively.

Cleaning Jewelry

Apply toothpaste to jewelry, scrub with a toothbrush, rinse, and dry. 

It helps remove dirt and restore sparkle.

Cleaning Irons

Apply toothpaste to the iron's soleplate, scrub with a cloth, and wipe. It removes residue and stains.

Removing Crayon Marks from Walls

Apply toothpaste to crayon marks, scrub gently, and wipe off. 

It can help eliminate the marks without damaging paint.

Cleaning Piano Keys

Apply a small amount of toothpaste to piano keys, gently rub with a soft cloth, and then wipe clean. 

It removes stains and restores shine.

Defogging Goggles

Apply a thin layer of toothpaste to goggles, rub, and rinse. 

It helps prevent fogging during various activities.

Cleaning Phone Screens

Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the screen, wipe gently with a cloth, and remove smudges effectively.

Previously, we talked about keeping faucets shiny.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Polishing Silverware
  2. Cleaning Sneakers
  3. Removing Scratches from CDs/DVDs
  4. Deodorizing Hands
  5. Cleaning Jewelry
  6. Cleaning Irons
  7. Removing Crayon Marks from Walls
  8. Cleaning Piano Keys
  9. Defogging Goggles
  10. Cleaning Phone Screens