Important to Know: How to Wash and Dry a Swimsuit

03.09.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

After swimming, find a shower and rinse. This way you neutralize the material and keep its quality. Wash your swimsuit thoroughly after three to five socks. If you swam in the pool or the sea, you need to wash off the chlorine and salt.

Why can't swimwear be machine washed

Thin high-tech swimwear fabric wears out quickly due to rough washing, stretching and losing color.

If you still prefer not to bother, use a machine wash, but for this you will need a special bag. In this case, you can wring out the swimsuit, since this is protection.

How to wash a swimsuit

To prolong the life of the swimsuit, it should be washed at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees.

Ordinary models can simply be put in the washing machine, and underwired swimsuits are washed only in a special bag.


For washing, detergents intended for synthetic fabrics are used.

How to keep the color of a swimsuit

To securely fix the color and prevent the paint from shedding, dip the swimsuit in water acidified with vinegar (in proportions - 2 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water).

After an hour, rinse the swimsuit thoroughly in cold water and dry.

How to dry your swimsuit

Dry the swimsuit should be in the shade, gently spread out on a soft towel.

With such drying, your swimsuit will retain its original color, shape, and also last longer.

We do not recommend drying your swimsuit in a dryer, on a radiator or in the sun.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why can't swimwear be machine washed
  2. How to wash a swimsuit
  3. How to keep the color of a swimsuit
  4. How to dry your swimsuit