Use electricity wisely: Housekeeping tips

28.11.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

The best thing you can do for your budget is to make the right decisions, and minimizing your electricity bills work perfectly.

When you use your electricity wisely, you can save lots of money and energy, which is great for the environment.

Here are a few things you can do.

Turn Off Unneeded Lights

Imagine turning off lights in empty rooms. When you leave a room, switch off the lights. It's like closing a door to save energy.

Use Energy-Efficient Bulbs

Think of it as choosing a long-lasting snack. Use LED or CFL bulbs—they last longer and use less electricity. 


It's like picking the energy-saving option.

Unplug Chargers

Picture unplugging your phone after it's charged. When chargers aren't in use, unplug them. 

Air Dry Clothes

Imagine letting the sun do the work. Instead of using a dryer, hang your clothes to dry. 

Adjust Thermostat Sensibly

Think of it as finding the right temperature for your shower. Adjust your thermostat to a comfortable but not too chilly or too warm setting. 

Seal Windows and Doors

Picture closing a window on a chilly day. Seal gaps around windows and doors. 

It's like putting on a warm sweater for your home, so you don't lose heat.

Limit AC Use

Imagine enjoying a breeze through an open window. Use air conditioning wisely; don't leave it on when you're not home. 

Use Power Strips

Think of it as having an on-off switch for multiple devices. Plug your electronics into power strips. 

When you're done, turn off the strip. It's like giving them a group nap.

Upgrade Appliances

Picture getting a new and more efficient phone. If possible, upgrade to energy-efficient appliances. 

Cook Smart

Imagine turning off the stove before your food burns. Use lids on pots and pans, and match the pan size to the burner. 

Schedule Laundry and Dishwashing

Picture doing tasks when it's most convenient. Do laundry and run the dishwasher during off-peak hours. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Turn Off Unneeded Lights
  2. Use Energy-Efficient Bulbs
  3. Unplug Chargers
  4. Air Dry Clothes
  5. Adjust Thermostat Sensibly
  6. Seal Windows and Doors
  7. Limit AC Use
  8. Use Power Strips
  9. Upgrade Appliances
  10. Cook Smart
  11. Schedule Laundry and Dishwashing