Apricot: Health Benefits

13.12.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Apricot has a sweet and sour flavor with a creamy, floral character and a blend of fresh tropical fruit notes.

The taste of dried apricot, or dried apricot, loses some of the notes of the perfume and makes it sweeter and “cheesier.”

What are the benefits of apricot for the human body

Apricot improves hematopoiesis and heart function, promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body, stimulates intestinal motility, and has a general strengthening effect.

Used as a gentle laxative, thirst quencher and antipyretic.

As a diuretic for sluggish bowel movements.


Iodine normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Strontium is used to prevent caries and osteoporosis.

Fresh fruits have a low calorie content (44 kilocalories) and high nutritional value due to the increased concentration (more than 10%) of carbohydrates, due to which they saturate the body without adding extra pounds.

What are the benefits of frozen apricots

Frozen fruits retain all the beneficial substances that they contain: vitamins (PP, C, B1 and B2), carotene, trace elements and organic acids.

For human immunity, a supply of apricots for the winter will be an excellent support.

Is it possible to eat apricot every day

Although apricots are low in calories, you should not get carried away and eat kilograms of them.

The optimal amount is no more than 3-4 fruits per day. Also, do not combine them with other fruits and berries.

Overeating apricots is likely to cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

Previously, we talked about delicious meals from basic foods.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the benefits of apricot for the human body
  2. What are the benefits of frozen apricots
  3. Is it possible to eat apricot every day