Cooking Hack: The Best Ways to Make Tofu

13.04.2023 12:21
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Tofu is a soy product often used in Chinese cuisine. In addition, tofu is a complete source of protein and iron. However, not everyone knows how to cook this product deliciously.


Dredge tofu in cornstarch before frying in oil.

With such a life hack, the dish will turn out golden and crispy.

As a result, you will get an original appetizer or main dish for vegetables.


The peculiarity of tofu is the absorption of flavors and aromas during cooking.

Photo: Pixabay

Therefore, use your favorite spices and marinades.

For baking, preheat oven to 400°F.

Marinate tofu with soy sauce, sesame seeds, chili peppers.

Bake the tofu for 15-20 minutes.

To prevent the product from burning, it must be turned over during the baking process.

Deep frying

This is a quick and easy way to get delicious crispy tofu.

You need:

  • Preheat fryer to 390°F.
  • Cook tofu for 5 minutes.


This method can be used in the preparation of stews.

Before stewing tofu, fry it in a pan with oil.

This life hack will help keep the shape and structure of the tofu.

What goes with tofu

Tofu tastes like cottage cheese. However, the consistency is more elastic.

Tofu is used to prepare both desserts and main dishes.

Tofu goes well with just about anything.

The main thing in cooking is the richness of flavors and aromas of other ingredients in the dish.

It can be greens, mushrooms, vegetables.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Frying
  2. Bakery
  3. Deep frying
  4. Extinguishing
  5. What goes with tofu