Make delicious ramen at home: Cooking tips

17.12.2023 00:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Ramen is one of the simplest Asian dishes you can cook at home, and it's also one of the most delicious ones!

While it seems to be pretty similar to a regular soup, it has a very distinctive taste - so how can you achieve that at home?

Here are a few tips that can make your home-cooked ramen taste amazing.

Broth Base Matters

Start with a flavorful broth. Simmering ingredients like garlic, ginger, and onions adds depth. 

Consider using a mix of vegetable and chicken broth for a well-rounded taste.


Soy Sauce Upgrade

Elevate your broth with quality soy sauce. Opt for a low-sodium variety to control the saltiness. It adds a savory umami kick to your ramen.

Creative Toppings

Customize your ramen with creative toppings. 

Soft-boiled eggs, sliced green onions, mushrooms, and seaweed are simple yet delightful additions that enhance both flavor and texture.

Protein Choices

Experiment with protein options. 

Sliced chicken, pork, tofu, or even a poached egg can be excellent sources of protein, bringing different textures to your bowl.

Sesame Oil Drizzle

A drizzle of sesame oil just before serving adds a fragrant nuttiness. It's a small addition that can make a big difference in the overall taste.

Chili Paste Kick

For spice lovers, a dab of chili paste or Sriracha can add a satisfying kick. Adjust the amount based on your spice preference.

Fresh Herbs Finish

Add freshness with herbs. Chopped cilantro or parsley sprinkled on top just before serving can brighten up the dish.

Noodle Texture Matters

Pay attention to noodle texture. Cook noodles separately and add them to your broth just before serving to maintain their ideal chewiness.

Previously, we've talked about the benefits of yellow kiwi.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Broth Base Matters
  2. Soy Sauce Upgrade
  3. Creative Toppings
  4. Protein Choices
  5. Sesame Oil Drizzle
  6. Chili Paste Kick
  7. Fresh Herbs Finish
  8. Noodle Texture Matters