

If you love makeup and apply it daily, then you need a convenient and inspirational place to do it! One of the easiest things you can do is to create a special makeup zone in your bedroom or bathroom.

Kate Yakimchuk interior ideas House Design 24 November 2023

If you enjoy makeup a lot, then you can create a dedicated makeup area in your house. This way, it will be more comfortable for you to do your makeup and keep your makeup clean and safe.

Kate Yakimchuk interior tips House Design 12 November 2023
blush shades

If you're a huge makeup fan, then you might want to display your amazing collection - but how to do it? Lots of makeup products displayed together can make your room look messy, and it's also not safe to store them like that.

Kate Yakimchuk collection interior decoration tips House Design 15 October 2023