

Premature babies need physical contact with their parents to become more socially developed, a new study claims. The research reveals that special skin-to-skin contact between parents and very premature babies improves the child's social skills during the crucial first hours of life.

Kate Yakimchuk research baby health child development communication Psychology 17 December 2023

Research suggests that children facing challenges early in life may age biologically at an accelerated rate.  However, a recent study indicates that interventions promoting positive parenting may protect children from this effect, potentially slowing down the epigenetic aging process.

Kate Yakimchuk research baby health child development adversity Psychology 15 December 2023

When it's time for adopted people to create their own families, this experience can be both amazing and challenging for them. People who didn't have to grow in full and loving families might not have the experience to be good parents, but they surely understand the importance of this.

Kate Yakimchuk research family new baby adopted children Psychology 5 December 2023

Our parents tend to be our role models, so they can affect our lives in many ways. For instance, if your parents drive safely, then you'll probably drive safely as well, a new study claims.

Kate Yakimchuk research driving safe driving safety Psychology 2 December 2023

Parents often want their kids to stay away from risks, because they're worried - but risks can also be a part of learning more about the world. A new study shows that kids who see their parents as less reliable tend to stay away from risks more often, therefore learning less.

Kate Yakimchuk research children children safety parenting tips Psychology 29 November 2023

Animals might not be as intelligent or organized as humans, but they can also be amazing parents for their babies. Some animals have surprisingly great parenting instincts, and they can show us that animals can also be caring, gentle, and protective.

Kate Yakimchuk family wildlife nature Animals 26 November 2023

Birds can be great parents, so they take good care of their chicks - they feed and protect them. But how do they manage to feed their chicks in their nests without even having hands?

Kate Yakimchuk birds chicks feeding nature Animals 13 November 2023
sad boy

A recent study has provided insights into the long-term consequences of harsh parenting on a child's mental well-being. The experiment revealed that kids exposed to "hostile" parenting at the age of 3 were 1.5 times more likely to display "high-risk" mental health issues later.

Kate Yakimchuk research children punishment development Psychology 12 November 2023

Everyone knows that parents' mental state affects their children a lot, but sometimes it correlates in pretty curious ways. For instance, a new study shows that mildly depressed dads can make their kids less likely to have cognitive difficulties.

Kate Yakimchuk research depression children cognition Psychology 10 November 2023

A study found that when parents experienced difficult things during their own childhood, like abuse, neglect, or violence, their kids are more likely to get in trouble with the law when they grow up.  This means there's a link between what parents went through when they were young and what happens to their children. 

Kate Yakimchuk research family laws trauma Psychology 2 November 2023

A new study shows the importance of treating childhood verbal abuse as maltreatment. Right now, child maltreatment is usually divided into physical, sexual, emotional abuse, and also neglect.

Kate Yakimchuk research children abuse Psychology 31 October 2023

The ability of adults to understand what young children are saying when they're just starting to talk is quite remarkable.  Researchers from MIT and Harvard University conducted a study to understand how adults make sense of children's early language efforts. 

Kate Yakimchuk research children speech brain Psychology 28 October 2023

Have you ever wondered whether people's views affect their parenting style? Researchers conducted a study that found when fathers and mothers believe in men having power and authority in society and the family, they tend to be less responsive to their children during family interactions. 

Kate Yakimchuk research sexism family parents Psychology 25 October 2023

A recent study sheds light on how modern parenting pressures are affecting children's opportunities for spontaneous play. Parents today often bear a greater sense of responsibility for their children's development, and this can inadvertently reduce unstructured playtime.

Kate Yakimchuk research children childhood Psychology 18 October 2023

As children grow, they start doing things on their own, like going out with friends, staying home alone, or biking to a friend's house.  While most parents believe it's good for kids to be independent, a new survey from the University of Michigan found that many parents may be too cautious.

Kate Yakimchuk research children Psychology 18 October 2023
grandparent and kid

A new study suggests that when grandparents help take care of toddlers, it doesn't have a big impact on the well-being of the toddlers' mothers.  The researchers found that having extra help from grandparents didn't necessarily make the relationship between mothers and children closer or reduce conflicts between them.

Kate Yakimchuk research grandparents children help Psychology 7 October 2023
dining room

Family mealtimes are important for parents and kids to talk, be together, and make strong bonds.  But when parents are busy with work, it can be hard to find time for these meals. 

Kate Yakimchuk research family children Psychology 5 October 2023

Many people are still convinced that everyone should have kids - they see procreation as the only purpose for people to exist, and also the only way to be happy. Meanwhile, modern people seem to think differently - and many of them decide that they don't want to have children.

Kate Yakimchuk children family Psychology 17 September 2023

New mothers often experience sleep problems in the first few years of their baby's life.  A study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign looked at how both mothers and babies sleep, what affects their sleep, and how to create better sleep habits.

Kate Yakimchuk research children sleep Psychology 14 September 2023

Separation is necessary because it leads to the ability to distinguish yourself, your feelings and desires from others, to understand what belongs to you and what belongs to your mother or partner. After separation, a psychic space arises inside that allows you to accept and love yourself.

Diana Dashkevich children family mental health facts Psychology 21 August 2023