

Moles are small, burrowing mammals that can sometimes be a nuisance in gardens and lawns.  While they're usually harmless, they can mess your garden a bit.

Kate Yakimchuk mole gardening tips wild animals Garden 29 July 2023

Fighting garden pests without chemicals is not only environmentally friendly, but also allows for a more natural and sustainable approach to gardening.  While chemical pesticides are commonly used to control pests, there are several underestimated and effective ways to manage garden pests without resorting to harmful chemicals. 

Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips Garden 29 July 2023

If you don't like using chemicals in your garden, but have a slug problem, then you can use some methods to get rid of these pests without chemicals. Getting rid of slugs in your garden without using chemicals can be achieved through various natural and environmentally friendly methods. 

Kate Yakimchuk slugs lifehacks Garden 28 July 2023
kitchen sink

In summer, lots of people can see little annoying insects flying around their kitchen sinks. Fruit flies are commonly found around kitchen sinks because they are attracted to decaying organic matter and moisture, which are abundant in this area. 

Kate Yakimchuk kitchen sink fruit flies housekeeping tips Helpful tips 25 July 2023

Berries that are the least prone to pests typically possess natural defenses that make them more resistant to insect damage.  These natural defenses may include compounds with deterrent properties or physical characteristics that make them less appealing to pests. 

Kate Yakimchuk berries gardening tips planting Garden 23 July 2023

In a garden ecosystem, there are several beneficial insects that play a vital role in maintaining a balanced environment and help to keep harmful pests under control.  These beneficial insects can be your allies in protecting your plants from damage without causing harm themselves. 

Kate Yakimchuk insects gardening tips Garden 21 July 2023

While moles seem to be small and kinda adorable animals, they can damage your garden, destroying roots and digging tunnels. If moles are causing damage to your garden, there are several steps you can take to address the issue. 

Kate Yakimchuk moles gardening tips wild animals protection Garden 18 July 2023

Modern pesticides work well - and some pests have become pretty rare. While the prevalence of garden pests can vary depending on geographic location and other factors, there are some garden pests that are generally considered less common nowadays. 

Kate Yakimchuk insects gardening Garden 17 July 2023

Not only insects, but also mice can destroy lots of plants in your garden. Mice often damage roses, so if you want your garden to be full of healthy and thriving flowers, then you need to know what they can do.

Kate Yakimchuk roses mice gardening tips Garden 10 July 2023

Flies interfere in the summer with their buzzing and spoiling food. In the article we will tell you what you can do with these.

Diana Dashkevich home advices tips lifehacks Helpful tips 10 July 2023

Most gardeners know what pests are the most dangerous to the crops they're currently growing. But the list of insects and even animals that can damage your plants is actually pretty wide.

Kate Yakimchuk insects gardening tips Garden 6 July 2023

Ants are generally nice insects - they are pretty intelligent, they are mostly harmless, and they can sometimes even benefit your garden by hunting other pests. At the same time, they can also damage your garden and plants.

Kate Yakimchuk ants gardening tips Garden 5 July 2023

Slugs aren't just unpleasing to look at - they can also spoil your plants and do harm to your garden. To get rid of them, you can use some specific chemicals, or you can use some methods that can also help to reduce their population.

Kate Yakimchuk slugs gardening tips Garden 2 July 2023

Gardeners are well-aware of pests and birds that can damage their gardens, but there are more things that can ruin your plants. Hares seem sweet, but they can create lots of damage, especially when you do nothing to protect your garden.

Kate Yakimchuk hares gardening tips protection Garden 30 June 2023
fruit fly

In summer, fruit flies can spread quickly, making your house less clean and safe. To get rid of fruit flies, you need to destroy their nests, or breeding sites.

Kate Yakimchuk fruit flies insects housekeeping tips Helpful tips 30 June 2023

Like regular strawberries, wild strawberries can attract nasty pests. To understand the signs of a pest infestation, you need to know which pests commonly attack these berries.

Kate Yakimchuk strawberries wild strawberries gardening tips Garden 26 June 2023

Pests can destroy many crops in your garden, and some species are more prone to specific pests than others. Aphids are pretty productive in destroying your crops, so you need to use pesticides regularly to avoid severe infestations.

Kate Yakimchuk aphids insects gardening tips Garden 24 June 2023

Roaches tend to be one of the most unpleasant pests to have in your house, mainly because it's pretty hard to get rid of them. It's always easier to prevent a problem than to fix it, so pay attention to the things that might attract roaches to your house.

Kate Yakimchuk cockroaches roaches insects infestation Helpful tips 24 June 2023

Moth isn't the worst insect that you can find in your house, but it's still one of the most popular ones. Some varieties of this pest can spoil your food (especially grains), others destroy clothes.

Kate Yakimchuk moth cleaning tips Helpful tips 13 June 2023

Cherry fruit fly infestation can spoil your harvest, and it can also destroy trees nearby. When you notice the first signs of infestation, you need to do something quickly, before other trees are also infected.

Kate Yakimchuk cherry pesticides gardening tips Garden 9 June 2023