Don't share good news with everyone: Psychologist's tips

16.12.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

People tend to dislike those who constantly complain about everything, but they also dislike those who do better than them.

While modern culture encourages people to be proud of their success, it's sometimes better not to tell everyone about your success.

Here are a few reasons why some news should be only told to your best friends.

Mitigating Envy or Resentment

Not everyone may react positively to your good news. 

Limiting the circle of those informed helps mitigate potential envy or resentment, fostering healthier relationships and minimizing unnecessary tension.


Avoiding Unwanted Advice

Sharing broadly may invite unsolicited advice. 

Limiting the audience ensures you receive guidance from those whose opinions you value, preventing an influx of well-intentioned yet overwhelming suggestions.

Maintaining Professionalism

In certain professional settings, selectively sharing good news can contribute to maintaining a level of professionalism. 

This approach prevents potential distractions and allows you to control the narrative in a way that aligns with your career goals.

Filtering Genuine Support

Restricting the circle of those informed helps filter out genuine support from those who truly matter to you. 

This allows you to surround yourself with individuals who celebrate your successes authentically, creating a more meaningful and supportive network.

Cultivating Humility

Limiting the sharing of good news aligns with the virtue of humility. 

It prevents the unintentional projection of boastfulness, allowing you to cultivate a more grounded and modest approach to your accomplishments.

Previously, we've talked about signs of lies.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Mitigating Envy or Resentment
  2. Avoiding Unwanted Advice
  3. Maintaining Professionalism
  4. Filtering Genuine Support
  5. Cultivating Humility