Expert Opinion: Does Cooking Help Improve Emotional State

04.05.2023 04:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

You may have noticed that cooking has a therapeutic effect on you. In the article, we will talk about the benefits of cooking for mental health.

Emotional benefits of cooking

Cooking is a kind of art. A person comes up with new combinations of products, experiments, tries new techniques and flavor combinations.

The creative process, in turn, improves mood, reduces stress, relieves anxiety and relieves emotional tension.

In addition, cooking can increase a person's self-esteem through varying degrees of achievement.

Decrease in anxious thoughts

Cooking helps a person to ground and relax from obsessive thoughts and experiences.


Focusing on a specific goal is beneficial in that it gives a person a sense of control, which significantly reduces anxiety levels.

You can divert your attention from worry even to small tasks. For example, cook scrambled eggs.

Meditative cooking

When a person is completely focused on cooking and thoughts disappear in the head, this can be compared to the process of meditation.

You divert your attention from thoughts on cooking. This will reduce your anxiety.

Getting close to other people

Eating and cooking is a good way to get close to other people.

For example, you can invite friends over and cook dinner for them.

Or invite a person to do joint cooking or baking.

Thus, cooking brings people together as they do work together and achieve joint results.

In addition, food is a common way to express your care, love, or other feelings towards a person.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Emotional benefits of cooking
  2. Decrease in anxious thoughts
  3. Meditative cooking
  4. Getting close to other people