The Expert's Explanation: Where A Certain Type Of Attachment Comes From

05.06.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25


Within the framework of attachment theory, there are 4 different styles (or types) of attachment. A person's attachment type (or style) is their specific way of forming relationships with others.

How is the type of attachment in a person formed

Attachment styles are usually formed in infancy based on our relationships with our first caregivers. Researchers believe that attachment style develops during the first year of our lives between the ages of 7 and 11 months.

The first level appears in a child from birth - this is attachment through the senses. The child needs to feel that a significant adult is nearby. In the second year of life, the second level appears - the development of attachment through similarity. The child begins to imitate the behavior of those he loves.

A secure type of attachment is formed in a calm, caring relationship with a significant adult. The child feels safe both in the company of the parent and in his absence. Due to the sense of safety of the environment, the child is more prone to curiosity and exploratory behavior.

Disorganized attachment is formed against the backdrop of abuse, trauma, or total chaos in the family. The child learns not to expect anything good from adults and does not have a real "reliable base". All of these types of attachment affect how we behave with other people.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource