Get motivation for sports: Psychologists advice

11.09.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Sports are an essential part of every healthy person's life, but why is it so hard to find motivation to do it?

It's not always about laziness or boredom - you might just not be motivated enough.

Here are a few tips that can actually help you.

You need clear goals

Decide what you want to achieve with your sports activities. It could be getting in better shape, feeling healthier, or even just having fun. Having clear goals can give you a reason to start.

There's something you might like

Choose a sport or physical activity that you actually like doing. If you have fun, you're more likely to stick with it.

sporty woman

Start slowly

Don't push yourself too hard from the beginning. Begin with easy, short workouts, and gradually increase the intensity and duration as you get fitter.

You need a plan

Plan specific times for your sports or exercise sessions, like you would for any other appointment. This helps you make it a habit.

Find a buddy

Exercising with a friend can make it more enjoyable and keep you accountable. You're less likely to skip a session if someone is waiting for you.

Rewards work well

Treat yourself when you meet your sports goals. It could be something small like your favorite snack or a movie night.

Keep an eye on your progress

Keep a record of your workouts. When you see your improvements over time, it can be really motivating.

Try team workouts

Being part of a group can make sports more fun and motivate you to show up because others are counting on you.

Don't push yourself too hard

Don't be too hard on yourself if you miss a workout or don't see immediate results. It's normal. Just get back to it when you can.


Remember that doing sports is an adventure, not a trip - so reward yourself regularly and don't push yourself too hard!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. You need clear goals
  2. There's something you might like
  3. Start slowly
  4. You need a plan
  5. Find a buddy
  6. Rewards work well
  7. Keep an eye on your progress
  8. Try team workouts
  9. Don't push yourself too hard
  10. Conclusion