How to find a common language with a teenager: simple and useful tips for adults

29.03.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Very often, finding a common language with a teenager is an extremely difficult task.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly communicate with a child in adolescence.

How to find a common language with a teenager

Puberty is a difficult period during which many changes occur in the child’s body and life.

Support your child in a difficult situation, no matter what. Don't invalidate your child's experiences, emotions, or ideas.

It is during adolescence that people are very vulnerable and they need the support of loved ones.


Talk about what's bothering you. Build open communication in which the child can share his experiences and feelings.
Accept their way of life.

Even if you don't understand your teenager's interests, just accept them.

Don't say it's nonsense or wrong. Remember that your studies were also incomprehensible to your parents. This is fine.

Spend time together. Set aside specific times to spend time together. Do what you love most.

For example, traveling, cooking together or watching your favorite movie.

Do not try to constantly control the teenager - it is important to give independence.

It is important to actively listen to children. Children want to be heard and understood, so it is important to give them time and attention.

Previously, we talked about how to reveal a child’s talent.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource