More sleep means less impulsivity: A new study

03.11.2023 07:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Sleep is super important for kids, not just for their health, but also for how they act. 

A study from the University of Georgia found that getting enough sleep helps children deal with stress.

They found that kids who didn't get the recommended nine hours of sleep or took a long time to fall asleep were more likely to act impulsively later on. 

What they discovered

Impulsive behavior means doing things without thinking, like acting on a whim or looking for excitement without thinking of the consequences.

They also found that some kids had super active brains even when they weren't doing anything, and that made the link between stress, sleep, and impulsivity even stronger. 

sleeping child

This hyperactivity in the brain might be linked to ADHD, a condition that affects how you pay attention and control your impulses. 

The researchers are going to look into that more in future studies.

Why it's important 

Well, it shows that sleep is really important for how kids' brains work and how they behave, especially when they're dealing with tough stuff at home. 

If they don't get enough sleep, it can lead to impulsiveness. 

The good news is, sleep is something that can be improved, and it doesn't have to be expensive or hard to do.

So, the takeaway here is that sleep is essential for kids. It helps them manage stress and behave better. 

If they're not getting enough sleep, they might act impulsively. 

Establishing healthy sleep routines, no matter what their environment is like, can make a big difference. 

Plus, it's important to start these routines early, especially for kids in stressful situations. 

It's all about giving their brains the rest they need to develop properly.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. What they discovered
  2. Why it's important