Why We Shake Our Presents: A New Study

24.12.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

As the holidays approach, many people can't resist giving their presents a little shake to guess what's inside.

However, a new study suggests that those attempting to be secretive about their shaking might not be as stealthy as they think.

Research reveals that observers can easily discern the intentions of present shakers.

Reasoning a Curious Habit

Witnessing a child's eyes light up while holding a gift, filled with curiosity about its contents, is a delightful experience.

The research demonstrates that the human mind is adept at tracking the specific information individuals seek in such moments.


Just as someone shaking a box may discern its contents, observers can likewise grasp the intention behind the shaking.

In a series of experiments, numerous participants were tasked with observing others shake boxes.

Remarkably, within mere seconds, most could accurately deduce whether the shaker aimed to ascertain the quantity or shape of items inside.

Although the items in question weren't actual presents, the findings are likely applicable to gift-wrapped objects like smartwatches or Legos.

Why It's Useful To Know

The way you would shake a present to find out if it's one thing or many things, or if it's a small thing versus a big thing, can be subtly different.

But people are amazing at picking up on such subtleties.

This straightforward study sheds light on an often-overlooked aspect of human cognition, showing that people can decipher the intentions of others simply by observing their actions.

Recently, we talked about holding babies more often.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Reasoning a Curious Habit
  2. Why It's Useful To Know