Последние новости за 8 августа 2023 года


You can definitely enjoy gardening without using chemicals.  Many gardeners choose to adopt organic and chemical-free gardening practices, which focus on working with natural processes to promote healthy plant growth and manage pests. 

Kate Yakimchuk chemicals gardening pesticides plants Garden

Почему собаки воют и что это значит с точки зрения науки и народных примет. 

Игорь Зур животные поведение народные приметы суеверия собаки Минск

From flowers, you can make bouquets, figurines, panels of natural or artificial flowers, arches, table decorations, also bracelets for hands from natural flowers, a wreath for hair decoration and much more.

Диана Дашкевич flowers home decor decoration advices House Design
soy sauce

While some people only use soy sauce when eating sushi, if at all, it can actually be beneficial in many other dishes. Adding soy sauce while boiling grains, such as rice or quinoa, can enhance the flavor and add a savory umami depth to the dish. 

Kate Yakimchuk soy sauce cooking tips Cooking

Have you ever seen how aggressive some geese can be? Geese are known for their territorial and sometimes aggressive behavior, especially during certain times of the year, such as breeding and nesting seasons. 

Kate Yakimchuk birds geese aggression Animals
Ягоды Голубика

Как правильно выбрать растения для посадки по соседству с голубикой.

Игорь Зур сад огород голубика почва растения Минск

Candles quickly accumulate dust, which is not so difficult to remove. In the article we will tell you how to do it easily and quickly.

Диана Дашкевич candle wax dust cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips

It's always pleasant to get a reward, but it instantly becomes less satisfying when you know that someone else has a better one. Researchers from the National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) have identified a brain circuit crucial for determining the value of personal rewards in relation to others' rewards. 

Kate Yakimchuk research reward value Psychology