Expert Explain: Why Humans Use Mice for Science

22.08.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23


In an article "Learning to See Mice" published in the journal Humanimalia, a researcher from the University of Amsterdam explores the complex individual and social life of these small rodents, their sense of community and concern for others when they get sick, and what this means for animals.

Why mice are used in laboratories

Scientists and researchers rely on rodents for several reasons. The main reason has to do with the physiology and homology of rodents. Mice and rats are mammals whose genetic makeup is very similar to that of humans. This makes rodents particularly useful for studying human disease.

Why we shouldn't test on animals

There are two good reasons to end animal testing. Most product safety testing is done on animals without anesthesia or analgesia, and toxic substances can cause great suffering over time.

Cosmetics are tested on artificial skin, on laboratory cells, on computer models, on human volunteers and much more.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why mice are used in laboratories
  2. Why we shouldn't test on animals