Give It To Your Puppy: Pet Health

16.12.2023 01:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Puppies need a special diet to stay healthy, so their owners should give them foods full of vitamins and nutrients they need.

While lots of so-called 'human' foods aren't great for puppies, there are still some foods you can give to your pet.

Add these things to your pet's diet to make your puppy happy!

Lean Proteins

Cooked chicken, turkey, or lean beef are excellent sources of protein.

Remove any bones, skin, and seasoning before offering it to your puppy.


Proteins support muscle development and overall growth.

Cooked Vegetables

Steamed or boiled vegetables such as carrots, peas, and green beans are rich in essential vitamins and fiber.

Cut them into bite-sized pieces to prevent choking.

Vegetables contribute to a balanced diet and aid in digestion.

Plain Rice or Pasta

Plain, cooked rice or pasta provides easily digestible carbohydrates.

Ensure it is plain and free from added spices or sauces.

Carbohydrates offer a quick energy source.

Plain Greek Yogurt

Choose plain Greek yogurt with no added sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Serve in moderation as an occasional treat.

Greek yogurt contains probiotics beneficial for digestive health.


Cooked eggs, such as scrambled or boiled, are a good protein source.

Avoid adding salt, pepper, or other seasonings.

Eggs contribute essential amino acids.

Peanut Butter

Opt for unsalted, natural peanut butter without xylitol.

Use it as an occasional treat due to its high-calorie content.

Dogs often enjoy the taste, and it provides healthy fats.


Offer fruits like apples (without seeds), blueberries, or watermelon in moderation.

Remove seeds, pits, and any tough skin.

Fruits supply vitamins and antioxidants.

Previously, we talked about dog habits.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Lean Proteins
  2. Cooked Vegetables
  3. Plain Rice or Pasta
  4. Plain Greek Yogurt
  5. Eggs
  6. Peanut Butter
  7. Fruits