How nutrition affects the mood of dogs: every pet owner needs to know

18.02.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

The physical and even mental health of a dog is directly related to its diet.

If the animal receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals, the risk of any diseases is significantly reduced.

In this article, we will tell you how nutrition can affect a dog and what is important to know about creating a diet for your pet.

How nutrition affects dogs

To support the proper development of the body, the diet should not be meager.

The dog should eat food in an amount of 7% of its body weight.


If an animal has stress, phobias, aggression, depression, it is recommended to reduce protein in the diet and increase tryptophan levels. For example, use red meat and fish.

If your dog is hyperactive, try reducing the amount of protein.

The food you give your dog can affect his digestion and gut flora.

A varied diet can put unnecessary strain on your dog's digestion and cause problems.

A consistent diet is one of the keys to healthy intestinal function for your dog.

However, sometimes it is worth feeding your animal vegetables, as they are rich in fiber.

What vegetables are good for dogs

You can feed your dog carrots in any form - raw, boiled or baked.

It is especially useful for pets to chew on completely raw carrots.

Thus, the animal will clean the teeth of plaque and get rid of bad breath. Cucumbers are also good for dogs.

We previously talked about why dogs love sticks so much.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How nutrition affects dogs
  2. What vegetables are good for dogs