How to understand that your cat is obese: a cute but chubby pet lives less than a slender one

06.03.2024 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Obesity in a pet is extremely dangerous to health.

In this article, we will tell you how to understand that your cat is overweight.

Symptoms of obesity in a cat

Clear signs of obesity in an animal are fat deposits on the sides, a hanging belly, and a wide back.

These can be dangerous symptoms.

In overweight pets, it is usually difficult to palpate the ribs and spine. An obese cat becomes inactive.


The pet gets tired quickly, and shortness of breath appears with minimal physical exertion.

In addition, obesity itself can cause breathing problems in the animal.

What to do if your cat has gained excess weight

If you suspect your cat is obese, take your pet to your veterinarian.

A specialist can recommend special food; calculate a new feeding rate and level of physical activity for the animal.

In addition, the doctor can help correct your pet's eating problems to reduce your pet's weight.

In addition, the veterinarian, if necessary, will check the health of your cat and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Since obesity often leads to various diseases.

Previously, we talked about how cats see the world around them.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Symptoms of obesity in a cat
  2. What to do if your cat has gained excess weight