How to wash a cat without causing psychological trauma to it: a guide for beginner “washers”

07.03.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Almost all cats are afraid of water to the point of panic. In this article, we will tell you how to wash your pet most carefully.

How to wash a cat if the animal is afraid of water

For bathing, use only special shampoos for cats.

Fill the bath with warm water to cover the cat halfway.

If your pet is very afraid of water or bathing, use dry shampoo.

Since washing, a cat who is terribly afraid of water is dangerous for both of you.


Dry shampoo is a good alternative, because the product does not need to be rinsed off, and the consistency is similar to powder or talc.

Dry shampoo should be rubbed into the animal's fur, and then carefully combed out with a brush.

If you decide to wash your animal in water, fill the bath with some water.

Then place the cat there and thoroughly wet the area around the neck.

Try to wet the head area, and especially the animal’s ears.

This can be dangerous as your cat may develop ear problems due to the water.

In addition, cats are afraid to get their heads wet.

Talk calmly to your pet all the time and gently pour water onto the cat’s body with your palms.

Do not use water that is too cool or hot for bathing.

Do not bathe your cat under a tap or running shower.

To calm your cat, use your favorite treats during bath time.

This way, your pet will be distracted by tasty food and will be less worried about water.

Previously, we told you how to understand that your cat is obese and why this is dangerous for your pet.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource