Nature is amazing: Protecting your food from seagulls – that's not easy

08.01.2024 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

From all birds, seagulls are well-known for their reckless behavior and constant attempts to steal your food.

If you want to spend a nice day outside, or have a picnic, then you have to think about protecting your food in advance.

Here are a few tips that can help you save your day.

Keep food covered

When you're outside and eating, make sure to cover your food with lids, foil, or containers. 

This makes it harder for seagulls to see and reach your food.


Use sealed containers

Store your food in sealed containers, especially when you're at the beach or in areas with seagulls. 

Seagulls can easily open bags or wrappers to get to your food.

Dispose of trash properly

Seagulls are attracted to leftover food and garbage. 

Dispose of your trash in designated bins or take it with you, so seagulls don't get tempted to scavenge.

Avoid feeding seagulls

Feeding seagulls may seem fun, but it encourages them to approach people for food. 

This can lead to more aggressive behavior and make it harder to protect your own food.

Stay vigilant

Keep an eye on your surroundings and be aware of seagulls nearby. 

If they start approaching, it's a good idea to move your food or cover it more securely.

Eat indoors or in sheltered areas

If possible, eat your meals indoors or in areas where seagulls have less access. 

This reduces the chance of them trying to snatch your food.

Be cautious with picnics

During picnics, keep food containers closed when not in use. Don't leave food unattended, as seagulls can quickly swoop in and grab it.

Use scare tactics

Seagulls can be scared away by loud noises or sudden movements. 

Clapping your hands, waving your arms, or using noise-making devices can help discourage them from approaching your food.

Seek shelter if needed

If seagulls become too persistent or aggressive, consider moving to a sheltered area or indoors until they disperse.

Previously, we talked about husky breed.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Keep food covered
  2. Use sealed containers
  3. Dispose of trash properly
  4. Avoid feeding seagulls
  5. Stay vigilant
  6. Eat indoors or in sheltered areas
  7. Be cautious with picnics
  8. Use scare tactics
  9. Seek shelter if needed