What can pets get sick from if their owner smokes: good to know

17.03.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Smoking near a pet is dangerous and harmful.

In the article, you will find out what this can mean.

Why you shouldn't smoke near your dog

You need to be extremely careful when you are with a cigarette near a dog.

Especially if your pet has allergies or diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

After all, this can aggravate the pet’s condition. In addition to inhaling tobacco smoke, your dog may accidentally ingest a cigarette or cigarette butt.


If a curious pet eats a cigarette butt, it could become seriously ill. The same goes for nicotine gum or patches.

If this happens, contact your veterinarian immediately as your pet will require emergency medical attention.

Small pets such as puppies can even die from eating a cigarette butt or other nicotine-containing item.

In addition, smoking near a dog increases the likelihood of respiratory diseases, allergies and vision problems in the animal.

If a dog has a short nose, then this is even more dangerous for the pet's health.

Dogs that constantly inhale tobacco smoke may experience heavy breathing, coughing, become prone to developing lung diseases, and increase the risk of developing lung cancer.

The animal may be inactive, lethargic and even depressed.

Previously, we told you how to quickly and easily train a cat to use the toilet.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource